Thursday, February 10, 2011

Check it.

The sky over Death Valley, California

Science doesn't exist in a vacuum. Science can't just plug along its merry way as it pleases. Science must contend with culture, religion, and politics. As history shows, this can make for some raucous debates and at times- revolution. All of this is fodder for a cool blog from the desk of NPR.

13.7 looks at the issues facing the science community including stem cell research, philosophy, human evolution, and political and religious opposition. The posts are relevant, interesting, and insightful. The contributors include an astrophysicist, theoretical physicist, two biologists, and a philosopher. Check it out.

NPR has a well-deserved reputation for fair and extensive reporting on a wide variety of issues. They are also one of the few news organizations that does regular science reporting with the radio show Talk of the Nation: Science Friday with Ira Flatow. I have found that NPR is an excellent source for blogs on an assortment of topics and issues, including breaking news and expert opinions.

By the way, the Universe is 13.7 billions years old.